RHM#190 - Ideale 58, Dural
SOLD (I think…)
Frame: Early Cegedur frame. 1930’s, I guess? The cantle plate is dural, riveted to the dural rails. The nose piece is dural. Even the tension bolt, and accompanying nut, are dural. See below.
Dimensions: 29 x 16 cm
Leather Treatment: Polished with beeswax. The underside of the top has been treated with baking soda.
Color: light brown (“natural”)
Stamp: FT IDEALE 58 TYPE RECORD, smaller CROUPON GARANTI stamps at the nose
Perforations: 17 graduated holes along the edge of each skirt
Rivets: 9 mm solid copper, each stamped IDEALE
Bag Loops: none
Badge: none
Weight: 21 oz with clamp
Unique Features: This is just a very cool saddle. The lightweight frame (see above) is quite rare. Other than a couple stamped sheet steel pieces, the frame is all dural. But between the frame and nosepiece is a stiff steel spring in a bronze sheath; the spring is a suspension system. Aside from that, it’s a pretty perfect restoration. I don’t know when it was originally made; I’d believe anything in the 1940’s or a little earlier.
Condition: New, never ridden.