
 RHM#111 - Brooks J.5 ca. 1945?


Frame: original antique black steel with four rails with loop springs

Dimensions: 26.5 x 17 cm

Leather Treatment: polished with beeswax

Color: medium brown

Stamp: reproduction of original Brooks J.5 stamp

Perforations: three elliptical holes on top

Rivets: small brass

Bag Loops: bag loops with eyelets punched through the leather

Badge: antique Brooks badge

Weight: 21.5 oz

Unique Features: Juvenile model similar to B72

Condition: restored to new

The J.5 juvenile model appears on Brooks catalogs up to the 1950’s. Judging by the nose hardware, this one was from the 40’s or earlier.

As a saddle, I’m tempted to try it myself. It’s the same width as a B17 Standard, just a little shorter. And this frame is a little springier. Could be good, no?


1960's Brooks Competition Special


Gent's Model (B.72)